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On Thursday night David, Anmol and I went to see Big Fish. That was a great movie. Magical perhaps. I'm sure it was very deep too. Made my heart warm. And it made me want to be romantic when I'm 70.

Tonight I went with David to see The Last Samurai. (Spoilers ahead)That was not as good, but it had better action. I liked all the sword fighting. I was appalled when the emperor asked Tom about the main Samurai man "Tell me how he died" and Tom replied "I'll tell you how he lived." Heh heh. We love American's. (Spoilers finished)

We also had our second youth group activity tonight. All the year 6-8 boys went over to Ben's house where we ate pizza and watched a dvd. It was a nice night. Nothing special, but relationships are starting to form and the kids are being reasonably nice to each other so that's good.

Before that, at lunch time, Kaye and I went to the school for the first lunch time group of the year. It didn't go according to plan and we spent the whole lunch time sitting in a corridor waiting for a room to be un-locked for us, but it never was. No matter we talked to kids, and it was really nice. I got to see people I don't normally see, and show my shoes to a bunch of year 8 girls who recognised me from scripture seminars. Twas fun.

After the movie tonight I came home with my head buzzing with ideas for the big film project this year. I'm not sure if they will evolve, but it's good to be buzzing.
