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The Men and their Kids

So I did see Children of Men yesterday. It was pretty cool. I really like those apocalyptic kind of movies. The ones where the whole world's gone the Hades in a hand basket. Clive Owen is quite the man. He's such a good reluctant hero. There wasn't once in the whole film where I thought he actually wanted to be there. It was great.

Guns, apocalypse, action, hope. What more could you want?

I also saw Trust the Man. That was pretty typical two couples have issues, break up, get back together at the end, everyone is happy. It made me laugh and feel warm so that's all you want.

It was cold and gray when I went into the cinema the first time, and it was cold and gray when I came out the second time. But for the two hours between films the sun was out, the sky was blue and I couldn't see a cloud. I read, drank tea, and slept in Hyde Park. Mmmm. That's what I'm talkin' about.
