Posted by Unknown |

While baking my banana cake (so pleased with myself) I started watching The OC. I'm not sure that this was a good idea. I hired a few dvds yesterday because someone had hired all The West Wing dvds. I think I could be about to get addicted. And it's such a trashy program too.

In the lift on my way to commy dinner I was holding my cake. The man in the lift said to me has he got out "Smells good."

I said "Good"

When I arrived at commy dinner I hopped out of the car with all my stuff. Just at that moment two cars came around the corner and startled me. I dropped the cake on the ground. Lucky it was sturdy, and I had it back in its container in less than 7 seconds.

Commy dinner wasn't vibey at all tonight. Hooray. People liked my cake. I thought the bottom was a little dry but the rest was good.

Now I'm off to the TV to see what happened with Ryan and Marrisa's date.

Oh Jed Bartlett, please come back.
