Posted by Unknown |

It's too late to be at work

It's so close to being midnight. I'm still at the office.

We had our Youth Group celebration night tonight. They're always a lot of work. But they're fun too. They have a wierd vibe that you only get when you have at these nights. It's probably because the church is decorated and the lights aren't as bright. Plus everyone is dressed up, and I'm not very relaxed.

We had a good speaker tonight.

Tonight I noticed how much Helen and I worked as a team on this stuff. There are some parts of ministry that I just chugged along at alone, and others that we did together. This was always an event we did together. Actually, she always did more work on these events so I did notice we were missing Helen a bit. She is good value.

Today we had my Aunty, Great Aunty, Step Grandmother and my Mother over to our house for lunch. It was fun but my room was messy.

I think I should go home.

I'll be back here in 9 hours.
