Posted by Unknown |

Today I was tired again. But it was quite pleasant.

I had fun. There was a trip to Maccas for lunch with Helen, Kaye and Jo which was a nice change even if the food wasn't great. It was good to have lunch not eating something from the local shops, somewhere different.

Helen preached tonight and did good. Said good stuff. I wanna go out and test out the ideas, good practical things. And she came across well, no worries. I knew she'd do good.

I got to catch up with Liz about the whole Anonymous thing. That was good. Like debriefing after a good game of tip. Ahh the memories.

Phil got his head shaved and a rat's tail. Wahoo. I think Phil's great.

The night ended at Macca's. Actually it ended outside Maccas with Kaye, Helen, Jo, Rach, Howie and David. There were much funnies. Kaye had the call of the night, but I think it should be left to the collective memory.

It was all nicely rounded off with drive by devon throwing in the Maccas carpark and along Forestway. I discovered how hard it is to throw devon and drive at the same time. Very dangerous but very funny.
