3/20/2007 10:41:00 pm


Posted by Unknown |

Dinner with the Celebrity (who, as I mentioned in the comments below I am declining to name, not out of some sort of reverse psychology name dropping thing, but for professional reasons) was pretty good. I was late. Google Directions gave me bad directions. I almost ignored them thinking I know better, but I thought Google might be more fun. Sadly, Google, for perhaps the first and only time in the history of cyberspace, was wrong.

Anyway, all the people who could have been annoyed with my lateness were gracious. The house of the Celeb was big. Big gates, big garden, big foyer, big tables, big everything really. We got given a little tour which was impressive and I think I only saw about 15% of the house. We got to see the private chapel. That was pretty cool. It reminded me of all the houses in England I saw with private chapels.

Our host was quite friendly if not a little intimidating. They were in the habit of asking tough questions and then waiting for your answer, and you know there is clearly a right and wrong. I was the first person (of the six of us who were visiting) to get tough questioned. It was a little scary, but I'd decided before coming not to worry about right answers but honest answers. Happily the honest one and the right one were the same thing, so that was a little relieving.

Dinner was served to us by the "maid" who appeared out of the kitchen with dinner and desert. She wasn't dressed like a made though. More like a normal person. We had tea and coffee in the lounge where we could ask questions. I asked one which I once been advised not to ask but it felt right and I felt brave. So I did and I got a good answer, no worries!

It was a good night I think. I enjoyed the chance to meet a person behind a reputation. The person is always more interesting than the caricature.
