3/24/2007 12:29:00 am

Bang Crash Ouch

Posted by Unknown |

The people that host ChristianSpeakers.com.au had a crash a few days ago. They lost lots of information. The site was down for 3 days and now that it's back most of the data for the past few months is gone. As opposed to the 11 or so people that were on the database before, there are now only 5. Though the support thing says they're restoring old back ups, I'm not sure how old they're talking about. I'm not sure if mine has been restored or now. If they did, it's pretty darn old.

It's a bit sad. I don't want to have to re-get everyone to sign up. But we may just have to do that. Oh well. I'll see what comes. Maybe it'll give the site new energy or something.
