We had a discussion about women in ministry in McDonald's tonight. I'm pro-women's ministry, but I need to think more about it. I haven't read enough. I don't have enough of a solid biblical argument. But I say, yay for women.

Blogs I like to read:
My Shared Items
Blog Archive
- Pontification - The process of becoming a pont. O...
- According to my ticket collection I have only mana...
- And the day that just was (30th December, 2003): ...
- I've made a few plans for my summer over the past ...
- Good night. Pub night. Lots of people and sillynes...
- Sweep
- Perhaps now I can call Christmas officially over t...
- Family Christmas today. First, good bye Barry.
- David, Ryan and I played frisbee in Hornsby park t...
- Hobbit Hugging and B-Grade Directors with a Gazzil...
- I've now done Return of the King and it was good. ...
- I have this compulsion at the moment to blog my wh...
- I just finished reading Return of the King and jus...
- "Go in peace! I will not say: do not weep; for not...
- Not that I want to do more present listing but Jem...
- Chruch tonight was lovely. Whenever I played a sh...
- No title
- 2 minutes to Christmas...
- Lesley's blogging.
- I find my blog very distracting. I just went back ...
- Meyarg ish mein if ye ish walish.
- Today I hung up decorations on the Christmas tree ...
- I'm listening to Vulture Street loudly as I create...
- I feel like the most un-inventive Christmas shoppe...
- We watched Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ri...
- I'm sitting at work killing time till I have a mee...
- Mum asked me this morning if I was too honest on m...
- It's been a weird few days. I think I haven't had ...
- I just finished editing Matt's farewell video for ...
- Ryan, David and I spent the afternoon together. Da...
- God is very good to me. Truly, truly.
- I woke up in a bad mood today. I'm desperately try...
- I went out to lunch with the staff today. We had t...
- Last night I went to a meeting. It wasn't a bad me...
- Howie and others (I'm not sure who), have gone to ...
- I liked 2003. I'd do it again. Although I think I ...
- Last night Jo said I was stubborn. Howie often ass...
- I made an online quiz about myself last year. See ...
- In other news... Ryan and I booked our holiday ac...
- My Grandfather died tonight. Gramps we called him....
- Tonight I have been talked into dancing at this Ch...
- Last night, as I slept, I had a bug crawling on my...
- God is better than football, God is better than be...
- God is much better than I am.
- I went shopping with Mum this morning. We bought a...
- Yesterday I cleaned my room for a few hours, liste...
- Sometimes I find myself sitting at my computer in ...
- I had lunch with Jem today, that was fun. We went ...
- "We got him" Saddam's been caught. I just saw a n...
- We had a discussion about women in ministry in McD...
- Well here I am. Sunday. We went to Maccas this mor...
- I'm going to the House of Chan tonight. Yay.
- Sometimes I can't be bothered brushing my teeth, a...
- I've had the last of my many meetings for a while....
- I'm feeling it's head in the blender time again. ...
- I want to post something that's not about my day. ...
- Steve, Helen and I went to a meeting at the high s...
- Had another meeting (Oi, so many meetings) tonight...
- I decided come home. And then go back. The primary...
- Today I have to be at work for three different thi...
- Howie seems to have this problem that whenever he'...
- Today's big decision day at Church. Bugger. Prayer...
- I really do worry too much about what other people...
- Today has been very nice. I woke up late. Actually...
- Yesterday I borrowed my Grandpa's digital camera. ...
- Go to Google and search for "miserable failure" an...
- I'm ready for church early. I don't have to leave ...
- "If you have walked all these days with closed ear...
- I just got home from Louise's 19th birthday dinner...
- My MSN signs me in all by itself. That annoys me. ...
- This morning I went to the pancake breakfast. That...
- I think I need to catch up. I had a 4 hour holida...
- Quick, blog! Just while it's still Friday...
- I just got a hair cut. How they freak me out. I s...
- Yesterday I also got to go to one of the local pri...
- Yesterday I went to city and spent a lot of money ...
- I forgot to write about Monday night. Not that it'...
- One year ago today I did my first regular blog pos...
- I don't have many regrets in my life, but I've got...
- Having done the whole Two Towers: Extended Edition...
- I just finished disk one of The Two Towers: Extend...
- Blogspot is down at the moment but I'll get this p...
- Happy Birthday everyone who's birthdays I have for...
- I went into the city today because I had to figure...
- This is the road trip music of Jo and I while in N...
- My mother said the other day that Bryce Courtney i...
- I think. In my blog. I have an inappropirate. Over...
- Tonight I'm going out to dinner with Ryan. I've be...
- I watched The One. It was pretty poor. Now I'm go...
- My archives disappeared. But now their back. Just ...