I wasn't planning on blogging, but I figure, what the hey.
The festival was pretty cool. I knew 2 people there enough to hang out with them. I met a few more. I hope my new shorts made a good impression on them. The praise session was really good. I wasn't really "in the moment" but the music was good and I enjoyed being there. When you're in a crowd it doesn't really matter if you don't know anyone. The preaching was good too. The guy preached on the need to centre our worship on Jesus, and have our focus on the cross, rather than on ourselves. It was good stuff. Everyone was saying it was hard core. It didn't seem hard core to me. It seemed good, solid stuff, but I've heard most of his other sermons are funny. That could be cool. I like funny sermons.
I that that when Counting Crows sing "her kindness bangs a gong" in Anna Begins, it's a reference to 1 Corinthians 13. But I could be wrong.
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