1/30/2003 10:27:00 am


Posted by Unknown |

Blogger wasn't working last night when I got on to blog. I didn't so much yesterday though. I spent about four hours working on the program for the youth group. And figuring out the name because I wasn't a real fan of the name we came up with. But in the end I got it done.

Post that, I watched the first three episodes of Buffy on DVD. It's an interesting show. I wouldn't say world class, but it's alright. At the moment I'm at work waiting for Paint Shop Pro to download so I can finish this program. I have to print it out and post it off. After that, I'll see what life has in store for me. I might go to Villawood today and visit some of our guests.

Robert got me "John Safron's Musical Jamboree" on DVD for Christmas. It was sitting on the doorstep when I got up this morning. Looks good. I'll probably watch some of that today.
