I set up a card table in my front yard today and sat down to do some college work out in the sun. It was very nice for 20 minutes. Then Mum and Ryan arrived and we ate sandwiches together.

Blogs I like to read:
My Shared Items
Blog Archive
- Yes I agree with Ryan and Erin, Audrey Hepburn is ...
- I had a leader's lunch today but only Lauren turne...
- I'm blogging now because I'm meant to be running a...
- Grandpa told me tonight that he gave the address o...
- I found this on my computer. It was the start of ...
- There are so many blogs out there of raging teenag...
- From SMH.
- I just got an e-mail from my Grandpa and he notice...
- Listening to Zooropa at the moment. I've had bits ...
- I have the self-discipline of an ice cube in the s...
- It's the wizzing game! How cool.
- While I was deciding whether or not to go to churc...
- Mum and I watched No Man's Land tonight. Depressin...
- The Clubs say 70% of them will close down if the g...
- What a crazy 24 hours. Not a bloggable 24 hours. B...
- It's the Verve, meets Radiohead, meets the Holy Sp...
- After I got off the train today I ran into Lesley ...
- I went and saw Down with Love today with my Grandp...
- I think terrorism is a bad idea. Although, it is ...
- Angus asked me yesterday: "Do you think some peopl...
- Everytime I watch or listen to Elevation Bono says...
- I feel like I should recap my weekend. But I can't...
- I have been meaning to talk about the mystery blog...
- That's me on the right.
- The list of some things we have searched for on th...
- Often when I write an essay I start out thinking t...
- I think all essays should be 500 words or less. A...
- We watched Simone last night. It was really sad be...
- There's a new toy in my house. On Thursday night ...
- Brave New World Quote Number 2 The Savage speakin...
- Major earthquake shakes NZ Local residents report...
- I'm about to go to bed. Thursdays are always much...
- "Does anyone really think that the Hornsby Odeon i...
- My house has many a non-dull moment. I was going ...
- Tinku and I went to McDonalds for lunch, at 6pm. I...
- I got an e-mail just then inviting me to view Giga...
- She caught hold of the Savage's arm and pressed it...
- I have had 9 visits to my April archives this mont...
- I had meeting with Steve Wade. We talked about the...
- At my wedding 1 Corinthians 13 will not be read. I...
- I just had a thought, perhaps I have a split perso...
- I still don't know who the mystery blogger is. All...
- Yay. I just read Jo's Blog and we got our show tim...
- I'm catching the 6:10am tomorrow. I'll let you de...
- For everyone wanting to ride on Sydney's newest da...
- I set up a card table in my front yard today and s...
- That was a joke.
- I hate Eskimos!
- Hello special blog intruder, Robert just informed...
- Ladies and gentlemen. This is why you should sign ...
- I just finished capturing everything for The Oppos...
- There was once a girl who rang to talk to me. I th...
- I didn't go to college today. I got up at the usua...
- I've been sick haven't I? It's kinda boring. The ...
- It's been a while. I have so much snot coming out...
- Music I listened to in this waking day: 1. Vineya...
- Maybe it's time to talk about yesterday. I think ...
- There are crazy things going on on my computer. I...
- Not because everyone else is: I'm in the basement...
- I went for a run this morning and got a stitch. I ...
- Rome wasn't built in a day, but who builds cities ...
- This is my "theological thinking", don't bother re...
- I just spent too much money on cds. I was inspired...
- This song is kinda funny
- Pimples are coming back in fashion.
- This is cool. This church is paying people to com...
- I was driving home from the mountains tonight and ...
- Limp Bizkit's new song Eat You Alive Hey, you, Mr...
- And to continue the boredom... Sunday The mornin...
- I have nothing to say. Whenever I say that I do a...
- Wednesday is coming. Wednesday is coming. Gus loo...
- God doesn't live in my boxes.
- I vegged. I watched The Truman Show. I went up to...
- I feel I should write something because it's been ...
- Cds I listened to today: 1. Counting Crows - Hard...
- Today I would like to make a little shorter. Woke...
- I feel like a really long update is in order but I...
- Multicultralism is a good thing.
- It's all coming together.
- Today has been long. I'm going to sleep in.
- I'm off to get a Stedicam. It's all my dreams com...
- Speaking of PVF... Today we were watching a video...
- I ran into guy I used to work at the Cinema with t...
- 10 Mundane Things about Me 1. I look like I haven...
- The bloke on the train next to me was reading Brav...
- I talked to all the noisy talkers today. We're all...
- This is appaling. Any parent who uses TeenScreen s...
- One of the other things I remembered yesterday tha...
- I went to bed at 8:20pm last night. That was a goo...
- Today I had much stress about TOOBSC. Stedicam pro...
- Well, hmm. I'm so damn tired at the moment. I go...
- It's way too early in the morning to be awake on t...
- I'm at church. I'm preaching soon. I'm waiting for...
- But American Splendor looks good.
- It's the Dirty Dancing sequel. How cool. Actually...
- I went to the food court with David and Tinku toda...
- This is cool: http://home.comcast.net/~bernhard36/...
- The time now is 12:51am but I am posting at 11:43 ...