I thought even though my digital camera is dead, I'll steal someone elses photos. This is us at U2.
Thanks Tim.
Some days are harder than others. But there certainly were a few hours of happy goodness in there today.
I went and did the Christmas Assembly today at the primary school and they laughed at my jokes. It was reported by a year 6 friend of mine that even the year sixes laughed, which means I won. The year six crew are always the audience I'm playing for because they're the toughest nuts to crack.
I walked out into the play ground and the boys who had been acting in the scripture play were in front of me wearing big sunnies and looking very Hollywood. There were a few girls in year four who had developed crushes on the and followed at a distance asking me for their email addresses.
I, on the other hand, got mobbed by kids in infants school. They seem to express their affection by punching you and trying to pull your pants down. I sat down on a bench to stop them from taking my clothes and they all sat on top of me, like 20 of them. The whole child protection thing was making me feel rather uncomfortable at this stage. When I tried to leave they wouldn't let me go. They blocked my path and I couldn't touch them to move the out of my way because of them old CP guidelines. For the first time in my life (but I'm sure not the last) I thought "I need a bodyguard!".
In the end I managed to escape when some of the actors came through the playground and the kids went off to punch them. I ended up signing a few autographs for some of the remaining kids, "Mr French", and chatting about something or other till the bell went.
I visited the staff room after that because there was meant to be a morning tea on for the Scripture Teachers. The room was packed full of people I didn't recognise so I got a glass of water, skulled it, then left. I don't think anyone noticed I was ever there.
I did go to the beach today, I did have fun and I did get burnt.
Then I went to hang out with my Little Brother. We went to Homebush Aquatic Centre and aquated around. It was good fun. I did feel a little old and hairy to be playing on the water slide and in the rapids, but that's ok. I'm used to feeling a little old for the fun I partake in. We had fun.
When I drop my LB off I went in and hung around with his family a bit. They invited me to stay for dinner, so I did. It was really nice. They're a pretty hectic family. But I like them lots. I got to look at his little sister's home work, read a book with his little brother. And eat dinner with the whole family. I had fun.
Tomorrow I'm off to the Public School to do my Annual Christmas Stand-Up Routine. I hope I'm still "the funny guy." I could be a flop. Actually I should worry about the message, but that doesn't give you an instant response like laughter does, so it's hard to worry about it as much.
I hope I'm funny and effective. Yeppers.
Hello Liam.
I just thought I'd say "Hi" because I know you're out there at some computer somewhere. I know that right now you're thinking of me. Actually, even if you're not Liam, right now you're thinking of me. For as long as you're reading this blog I will be forefront in your mind. Or at least, some of the front. So perhaps I'll keep typing to continue to hold this prime place in your neuro-lobes. That's a medical term I made up.
Anyway, Liam. I just wanted to say "Hello". I did enjoy standing with you shooting the poop on the verandah of the Skiffity club on Saturday. You looked rather swish in the most platonic of man complimentary ways.
P.S. Hi Mum.
I'm going to the beach tomorrow. Rayhoo!
Tonight on Christian radio I heard a 14 year old say, on the subject of singleness, that if you don't have a partner either it's either because "God is testing you, or there's someone just around the corner." If only it were that simple.
Make Show, Make Weddings, Make Watch Movie
Impact went rather well yesterday. It was good doing it in a professional theatre this time. Quick bump in, quick bump out. I get put on the side of the stage with the DVD player. It meant I missed watching the show, but I got to see all the performers and hang with the stage crew. I felt a little guilty because my job mainly involves me pressing "Skip Chapter" on a DVD remote for two hours. Everyone else performs or runs around or stuff like that. I just press a button or two.
The DVD for Part One was way smooth, no worries. The DVD for Part Two was a worry. It skipped a few times, made little sounds here and there and threatened to pack it in. I think it was a bad burn of the DVD. I only discovered this as we were performing because we didn't get to do a tech run or dress rehearsal for Part Two yesterday. Oh well. It made it through. The show was good. We went to the pub after which was happy.
Today I didn't catch the ferry. I was going to Manly because I had two weddings, both in Manly. I thought catching the ferry would be fun. Which it would have been. But in the end I chose not to because I couldn't find anywhere to store a book as I traveled.
Wedding One, Mike and Kristen, was at 9:30am. Very early for a wedding. I think I like the idea of an early wedding. Maybe because it makes the whole thing seem a bit fresh and new. It was a nice, straight forward wedding. It was good to see my friends, even some friends who I hadn't seen the night before. I didn't get to say "Hello" to Mike and Kristen, but "Yip!" for them.
Wedding Two, Graham and Ange, was at midday, so I had to kill a bit of time hanging out on the Corso. I talked to the wedding stragglers for as long as possible then perused the shops looking for wedding presents. I found none. That filled enough time for me to be a few minutes early to the wedding.
I was worried at this one that I wouldn't know any people, but there turned out to be a few of my ex-college mates, and the college dean there, so I had people to talk to.
The wedding nice. Even more traditional than the first one. No singing, just organ. But I liked it. It was short and two the point. None of this extravagant production stuff. So I was happy.
During photo time I went out to have a steak and a beer with Meg and Dave, me old married, college mates. They were fun and made sure I wasn't a loner while regailing me with insights into the ashes and stories of Guy Sebastian.
We went to the Wedding reception and recepted the wedded ones. That was more college reunion and happy times to be had.
So congrats to Kristen and Mike and Ange and Graham.
Tonight Ryan and I saw Borat. It was funny, and very rude. I'm not sure what my verdict is yet. I hope it wasn't real people being set up, but I think it was. That was rather mean I think.
Now I sleep.
If that was Impact, we've done it.
Now it's bed time. I'm getting up at 6am because I'm catching a Ferry tomorrow! Woohoo!
We went to see Keating tonight at Belvoir St. It's a musical about the politcal career of Paul Keating. It's very, very funny. Grandpa, you should see it, you'd like it.
I have the feeling none of the audience were Liberal voters. They were pretty happy to see Alexander Downer in drag and John Howard being... John Howard. I think it was the most enjoyable Belvoir production in ages.
I think The West Wing should have done a musical episode like Buffy.
I've got "Keating" in the headings of two posts in a row. Who'd have thought we'd see that day? Probably no-one, because, let's admit it, nobody spends much time thinking about possible trends in the headings of my blog posts, not even me, and I love myself.
Ain't No John Keating
I had my last ever scripture lesson with my year sixes at the primary school today. I was determined to have a good lesson. But traffic was bad, so I didn't get to plan. However that didn't matter in the end because a small but significant group talked the whole way through the lesson which meant that we didn't get anything done. Most of the class talked. But some of the class talked, and shouted, and ran around all the time.
One kid, I told him to stop talking and turn around for 30 seconds straight before he did it. And it wasn't that he just didn't hear me. I was standing right in front of him, he'd look at me, then just kept talking. I ended up keeping some of them back for a bit of recess. It was rather sad because you want your last class to leave good memories. But alas.
One girl, as she was walking out of the class room said "Thanks for tolerating my bad behaviour". At least she noticed.
You'd think that after having two straight demoralising years you'd cut your losses and get out. But I walked out of the school today determined to go back next year and get it right. That may be a silly idea but I want to beat this one, I think I believe in the concept too much. And I like the kids too. I loved that class. If only I could just be their friend.
Happy Day
Sleep in - Beach - Lie around reading a book - Pub with Mum - BBQ with house - Fouting (Food outing) for Ice Cream with House - West Wing - Sleep
Feel the Love
I taught Scripture at the local High School today. It's always tough and rewarding.
My favourites tend to be the year 10s. Today I had my last lesson ever with them. I think the like me, although it's hard to tell how often they're just taking the piss.
We spent a fair chunk of the lesson talking about homosexuality. Which was fine. Although I don't really like talking about it because it just makes Christians look like bigots. But we all got a few laughs out of it even if no-one came to a better understanding of anything.
After the class I was walking through the school and found a bunch of the year 10 guys in front of me. They started blocking my path and saying "Tom, it's time for group hug." I suddenly had worries about child protection. But decided it would be better to hug a bunch of year 10 guys. So I gave in was enveloped in a hug of 4 or 5 year 10 guys all of who were bigger then me. Then another saw the fun and jumped on to and accidentally punched me in the head.
It was a nice way to end my four years of scripture teaching with those guys. I felt the love.
Walk Cat
I went on a bush walk today from somewhere to Otford. It was with one of the guys in my youth group, his dad and two other men they knew. It was a bit of fun. They were good blokes. I do like bush walking. If only I would do it more often.
Biggest problem of the day was that I had to be in Otford at 8am after finishing DVD burning at 2:30am. That was a rather painful experience.
Then I came home tonight and was offered a ticket to The Cat Empire at the Enmore tonight. So thinking that I shouldn't waste an opportunity I went.
They were fun. Good music. Problem was that I didn't know the songs and I wasn't with people I knew very well, so it was all a little surreal. But I'm pretty sure I'm glad I went. At least now I can say I've seen The Cat. And it's just made my year of live music that little bit bigger.
As funny and offensive as Borat is, I'm a bit bored of him at the moment. In every interview I've seen he has all the same jokes. I'm bored of hearing that his sister is "number 4 prostitute in all Kazakhstan" and I'm bored of hearing that if he finds a new wife he'll get a red dress for her off the corpse of his dead wife. I think it'd be more fun if all his answers weren't pre-scripted. It's not like he's trying to avoid saying something offensive.
That's a good title of mine isn't it. I'm thinking of becoming a Copy Editor.
Black and Shiny
I got four new tyres today. They drive nice. But the man told me my suspension is shot. So I'll be off to Pedders soon. Hooray!
It's exam time again and I've done 19 minutes of study. That's a whole 24 seconds more than the last exam. I'm improving. Small steps.
Shirts Off Has Begun
We (Hayley, Ryan, Mil and I) started "Shirts Off Summer 06/07" today with a trip to the beach. It was fun. I am now well burnt in the non-tanned parts of me. Cancer and brown here I come.
We had chips and scallops for lunch. Yum.
My new car stereo is fun. It plays cds and sounds nice.
I went of meeting for Big Brother Big Sister tonight. It was training for Bigs on Sexuality and how to deal with related issues with their littles. I was a bit scared because I figured being a Christian I was probably going have different ideas from most of the people in the room. I didn't really want to have to tell everyone my views on sex, but I figured that there was a chance I might. So I started bracing myself for feeling like a religious, conservative, prude. But happily, the only time I had to express and opinion I sided with the vast majority of the group because the questions were only on Sex Education. So I was happy with that.
We had a man from Creation Ministries come to church last night. It was interesting. Good because it exercised my brain. But it was a little disappointing the way he presented his views. He basically said that the literal 6-day creation is the only way to view Genesis, and that if you don't believe that then the Gospel is at stake. It was all rather black and white.
My problem wasn't that I don't believe in the literal 6-day creation (well, I'm not sure about it at least, I have no idea how the world was created, beyond the fact that God did it) but that he spoke as if that was the only right view point. I think the issue is too unclear and debated amongst all types of Christians to write off every other view point. I'm happy for there to be 6 day believers, I'm happy for there to be 6 period believers, I'm happy for there to be all sorts of believers. I want to hold on to God's creation of the world, the perfection of the creation at the beginning, the uniqueness of humanity created in the divine image, and the entrance of death and evil into the world through humanity's choice. After that, I'm happy for us to debate how it all happened. It worries me when we write of all other view points on debatable issues. No-one's going to hell if they don't believe that world is 6009 years old.
I also watched God in My Side tonight, the documentary by Andrew Denton about a Christian Broadcasters Convention in the US. It was funny, lots of clips of cheesy Christian Television, and interesting, and scary. There were some very worrying clips of people talking about their views on Israel. Like the need to stand by Israel no matter what because it is vital to the return of Jesus, even if that means using nukes. Some of the people interviewed were rather extreme. But there were some cool people too. There was a TV producer who made vomit inducing ads, but had a good sense of irony and said smart things and made good jokes. I reckon you should give it a watch.
I took my senior small group to watch it. It was fun. Half of them had no idea what the film was about, so it was kinda fun. Although, I hope they weren't disappointed it was a documentary.
I'm getting a new sound system installed in my car tomorrow.
The U2 blog is coming tomorrow.
I went out to coffee today and saw Beck in the cafe. Just as the waitress was rocking up Beck asked me across the cafe "Aren't you at college right now?"
To which I replied what I thought was bleedingly obvious "No I'm sitting in a booth in a cafe." The waitress rolled her eyes at me. I feel hurt.
After work I met my friend Mike in a back street near Sydney Uni. He was standing by his car, he opened his boot and handed me a bag full of guns. It was pretty cool. I felt like a weapons dealer.
Then I decided to walk home using a short cut, but sadly my terrible sense of direction meant that I didn't to very well finding a short cut home. It was cold and dark when I arrived. But at least I arrived in time for dinner. It was garlic with a bit of pasta garnish. Though it tasted good. Thanks Mil and Ryan.
Must sleep now. I have to hang out with Adam, Larry, Bono and the Edge tomorrow.
One Sleep
Tomorrow. I've been waiting a long time for this. Tomorrow is U2 day.
I'll die a happy man.*
*Of course I don't want to die soon after tomorrow. And if I died today I'd die happy. I don't want to have to justify it too much. You know, it's a phrase. Of course you do, you're pretty smart.
The Men and their Kids
So I did see Children of Men yesterday. It was pretty cool. I really like those apocalyptic kind of movies. The ones where the whole world's gone the Hades in a hand basket. Clive Owen is quite the man. He's such a good reluctant hero. There wasn't once in the whole film where I thought he actually wanted to be there. It was great.
Guns, apocalypse, action, hope. What more could you want?
I also saw Trust the Man. That was pretty typical two couples have issues, break up, get back together at the end, everyone is happy. It made me laugh and feel warm so that's all you want.
It was cold and gray when I went into the cinema the first time, and it was cold and gray when I came out the second time. But for the two hours between films the sun was out, the sky was blue and I couldn't see a cloud. I read, drank tea, and slept in Hyde Park. Mmmm. That's what I'm talkin' about.
Turn out the Light
I just started writing a post about Children of Men because I went and saw it yesterday. But I decided the title was too good for a post just about a movie. Not that I have a post that can do the title justice, but I certainly don't want to waste it on something that only took two hours and cost $8.50.
Perhaps something about the end of the world is in order. Although, I'm wouldn't say the world will end with darkness but with light. Sunset has been, dawn is coming.
When I turn out the light to go to sleep always the first thing I do is pray. And the first thing I pray is usually the thing that's foremost in my mind. It's the unguarded, undesigned, unplanned prayer of the day. And usually it goes "I don't understand", "Damn it" or "Thank you". It's the truth that comes with darkness I guess.
I like turning out lights these days. I feel like I'm saving the planet.
I got a distinction for my Job essay. Except it became a pass when they took the late marks off. I'm happy with that. Mr Marker said I needed to do more research. I agree, but I only wanted to spend 45 minutes in the Library. So lazy.
I am not the best speller (thank you spell check) but this article says that examiners in Scotland are now going to accept "text-messaging short forms in school examinations", and that scares me.
This doesn't sound good. I very much dislike SMS-speak. It's looks ugly. How much nicer is "People" to "ppl", or "Great" to "gr8", or "Love" to "luv". Anyone who has got and SMS, or an email from me, or has talked to me on MSN, will know that I try and write everything right. I like the challenge of fitting everything I need to say into 160 characters without compromising my correctness. I like things to be correct.
But I don't really have a problem with other people using it in SMS or chat or email. I don't like it, however, when it moves into other things like signs or letters. Things which aren't meant to written quickly. And I don't mind it so much when it comes from young people, the ones who pioneer it and use it for convenience. But when advertisers start saying "Get U and UR friends to txt and enter to win gr8 prizes" it annoys me. It's not genuine. They're co-opting the language of the young to sell stuff back to them. They're trying to look cool, but they look like try hards.
But I think I'm just going to look old fashioned. Writing is going to evolve, and I'm going to think it looks ugly. And that's probably just the way its going to be.
I'm aware that I'm not exactly a world class HTML king, but one has to do something to celebrate. Hence, the new, temporary, design.
And the Winner is...
My pick for the winner of the 2006 Melbourne Cup is: YEATS
Trust me. I know these things.
I have nothing to complain about. Not really.
Did just go up to 7-Eleven and buy Coke and Chips. Happy me.
Not really a world class blogger at the moment.
If I ever become the Pastor of a mega church, don't let me have a sex scandal. I'd like to avoid that is possible. Thanks.
U2 are coming and I'm already starting to get sad that by this time next week, I will have seen them.
But gosh I'm excited.
So tempted to go on Monday too!
So Much Sacred in the Month of November
I'm not sure if it's eating my kebab or reading my emails that's making me feel sick. It's probably the kebab seeing as emails don't usually make me feel like this.
John Mayer was awesome! Flippin' fantastic! He's such a good guitarist. The concert was just pure musical pleasure. So many good solos, so many good musicians, lots of good songs.
John himself seems a little fake, or sleazy, or like a rock star. I'm not sure what. When he does solos he seemed to stare at one particular person, which would probably be rather uncomfortable if you were that person I reckon. And playing his guitar, at times, he looked rather orgasmic. So he seemed a little strange. But, damn, can he play. It was great.
And he's coming back in April! Woohoo! If Donny doesn't get in the way, I'll be there and you should join me.
I had my last lecture for Wisdom Literature at college today. It was on Song of Songs. And I heard things said by my lecturer that I never thought I hear discussed at Bible College in such graphic detail. It was pretty special.
I went for a run yesterday! The last recorded time for such an energetic and fitness creating activity was in April 2004.
Me and some of the other homies (Mil, Martin and Ryan) we all did jogging through the grimy streets of Enmore. Unfortunately due to a medical emergency Mil and Martin had to turn back. Ryan and I, however, soldiered on. We ran to Sydney Park and ran up the hill and then down the hill and then around a bit and then up the hill and then down and then around to another side and up again. Or something like that. And then we ran home.
Ryan took me through all these back streets which I didn't recognise, except I did because every back street in the inner-west looks the same. I was terribly lost. If Ryan was in the mood to kidnap me that would have been the time to do it because I had no idea where I was. I couldn't have escaped or nothing.
Today my legs hurt. But I might go for another run. Maybe on Friday. I'll be staying in Hornsby on Friday so I could do my old run, just for old times sake. Plus, no one could kidnap me there, it's my old stomping ground. I'll stomp on them.
I just had to put my jacket on on this hot, mildly hot day, because I had to go help at a funeral and I realised, when I looked at my t-shirt, that it would be inappropriate wearing a "Stuff is Awesome!!" t-shirt to a funeral.

Blogs I like to read:
My Shared Items
Blog Archive
- Photos Make a Blog Look Good
- A Few Hours
- Star
- Day
- Getting Personal
- Woo!
- Single
- Make Show, Make Weddings, Make Watch MovieImpact w...
- If that was Impact, we've done it.Now it's bed tim...
- KeatingWe went to see Keating tonight at Belvoir S...
- Ain't No John KeatingI had my last ever scripture ...
- Happy DaySleep in - Beach - Lie around reading a b...
- Feel the LoveI taught Scripture at the local High ...
- Walk CatI went on a bush walk today from somewhere...
- Sometimes I hate burning DVDs.
- Bor-ing-atAs funny and offensive as Borat is, I'm ...
- Black and ShinyI got four new tyres today. They dr...
- AcademicIt's exam time again and I've done 19 minu...
- Shirts Off Has BegunWe (Hayley, Ryan, Mil and I) s...
- ControvWe had a man from Creation Ministries come ...
- It's a hot night and Newtown has gotten a little b...
- I'm off to see U2. Goodbye y'all.
- OccurrencesI went out to coffee today and saw Beck...
- One SleepTomorrow. I've been waiting a long time f...
- The Men and their KidsSo I did see Children of Men...
- Turn out the LightI just started writing a post ab...
- I got a distinction for my Job essay. Except it be...
- :-(I am not the best speller (thank you spell chec...
- DesignI'm aware that I'm not exactly a world class...
- And the Winner is...My pick for the winner of the ...
- SpecialI have nothing to complain about. Not reall...
- U2 are coming and I'm already starting to get sad ...
- So Much Sacred in the Month of NovemberI'm not sur...
- It's Johnny Mayer night! Woo!
- RudeyI had my last lecture for Wisdom Literature a...
- Runnin'I went for a run yesterday! The last record...
- Inappropriate