Sunday 27 June 2004

Today I went to lunch with the Swans, Junior and Senior. Marg cooked a fantastic bunch of vegies and John did some good lamb on the barbie. It was a genuine home cooked meal. Woohoo.

For youth today we went to visit a retirement village. After getting terribly lost 5 minutes from church (how you do that, I'm unsure) we arrived. Some of the young people played musical instruments for the retirees then we went and talked to all the old people. I talked to three women who were all 90. They was cool. One kept asking me what high school I went to. I had a lovely time. I think it may have been one of the best things we've done as a youth group this year. I had so much fun. It was really nice connecting with people who weren't in the same boat. I'm not sure what the young people thought, but I loved it.

Matt and I had a chat after church about creative things. We both want to be friends, and that's good. Matt is worth being friends with. All the creative stuff though? We're working on it...

Next week I'm preaching. I'm feeling the pressure again. Preach well. Teach the Word. Touch the people. Entertain the masses. Don't flop.

Oh well, that's life. I love preaching. I just hope I can remember to preach Christ first. We can have fun after that.

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