Sunday 27 June 2004

I had lots of fun last night.

Lesley and I went out for dinner. We ate at a cafe in the mall. We spent a long time looking for somewhere good. We rejected a few because they weren't "romantic" enough. Not that we were looking for a romantic night, but I thought it would be more comfortable if the place could be romantic if that's what you wanted.

Anyway, it was fun. I ate a lot. I ate the grilled chicken. I picked it because it had mashed potato with it and I wanted to see what real mashed potato tasted like.

It was good to catch up with Lesley too. She's a tops person. I'd been looking forward to our night out for weeks and it didn't disappoint. Yay for Lesley and Yay for good food in Hornsby.

After dinner we met David, Anmol and Chris for our Shrek 2 experience. This involved buying tickets at the cinema and chocolate at Coles. I finally bought the chocolate I've been craving all week.

Mars bar. Ahhh. Lovely.

We met Mil just before the film and went in. There was an ad about downloading movies illegally off the net. It amused me.

The movie was fine. Nothing special. The best bit was the Counting Crows song that they started with. There were funnies, but it wasn't anywhere near the first film. I think they should leave it at one most of the time. But alas, this world is driven by money, and if you can make a bucket load off a sequel, then go for it.

We had coffee before home and talked politics. I walked home feeling cold.

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