Posted by Unknown |

Wednesdays. What days are Wednesdays?

I went to visit Hannah at school today. It was Jump Rope for Heart day. Mum asked me to go a few weeks ago, I said I would, but Mum decided that I didn't want to and didn't organise for me to go. I rang the school this morning to find out what was going on. The woman told me it had already started so I slowly made my way up to the school. When I arrived I walked into the playgroud and I immedatly had two kids holding my hand. Hannah ran over and said "Hello". I think she was excited to see me. She then ran off to try and climb the fence while I was forced to sit down and watch a little girl play with a little ocean shaker toy.

I walked around the playground with Hannah as she compleated various tasks, like jumping over things, running around, and throwing. It was all very cute. I felt a little out of place though. It was all mothers, children and female teachers.

But it was fun. I met a lot of kids. I had one boy called Ian attach himself to me for half of lunch time while I watched Hannah ride her bike on the bike track. I talked to a teacher there whose kids I knew in school. She was a Christian and told me lots of good stories.

Then I went to food court.

I spent this afternoon making TOOBSC into AVIs for sound editing.

What days are Wednesdays.
