Thursday, 13 September 2007

Going Again

We're off on Youth Group camp again tomorrow. I feel like I'm always going on camps.

I think I counted this year and I'll only go on seven camps this year. But it feels like I do it more regularly than that.

We have less people than usual going on this camp. In some ways it's nice because we'll get to hang out with the ones that come more. In other ways it's kinda frustrating because I'd love to have more people. Camps are always way fun and good chances to connect with the youth. But we managed to pick a week in the middle of many people's exams, overseas trips and other things. So that was a bit of a whoops.

Still, it'll be fun to do the camp because I like youth group camp. And for some reason I'm feeling really relaxed about this one, sweet.

In other news, Sal came over to dinner tonight and that was fun, because we all like Sal. She brought Oreos so I mashed them into my ice cream and put Milo on top. It was pretty special. The great thing about being an Adult is you can do the things you wanted to do when you were a kid but your parents wouldn't only let you do as a treat. Now I can have treat whenever I want. Sick!

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