My thumb where the wasp bit me has swollen now. I have a fat person's thumb.
Last night I had lamb cutlets for dinner and they were good. My Mum says I never like her cooking. I think that's untrue.
I watched Be Cool today with David.
It wasn't very good. It lacked heart. It had some good music in it. The singer girl was cool and she did a duet with Aerosmith. Aerosmith a pretty cool in a "old school rockers" kinda way.
But the film itself was sad. The dialoge was wooden. It tried to be self-aware and funny, but in the end it was just pretty sad. Oh well, you win some, you loose some.
Right now I'm listening to a sermon by John Stott. I might stop soon because it's hard to listen and type at the same time.
John Stott is one of my heros. I've never heard him preach before, it's kind of fun. His voice doesn't sound like I have imagined. But I like it anyway. He sounds like someone's grandfather. Like he should be in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe".
I've been quiet a quiet blogger recently. I haven't been burdening you all with every minute detail of my life.
Last night I was preaching and my voice started to go a little raspy and I thought to myself, "Wow, I'm becoming a professional"
After church some of us went down to Dee Why for Chinese. It was a lovely relaxing way to end a Sunday. We laughed a lot and ate good food. It was one of those nice events where everyone at the table is someone you're enjoying being with.
After dinner David and I dropped Guin home and we got to see her and Phil's flat. It was quite the funness. It had a top quality view of the train yards and walls that looked like they had been painted by a middle aged woman with dyed red hair who wore dangly ear rings and gypsy skirts.
So there's a little bit of my life. Tomorrow I have off, but my options are rather limited seeing as I have run out of money. I'll just have to be inventive. Perhaps I'll run a garage sale.
Sometimes the world doesn't change enough to keep me interested.
You sit around thinking "When is something big going to happen? I'm feeling rather bored." And something big does happen, planes fly into buildings, waves wipe out islands, and that keeps you depressed and interested for a few days and then you're thinking "Boring, I'm over this disaster."
I wonder if I'd get bored if I was famous.
Actually I don't feel bored often, I think I'm just not often in a state of over-interest or hyper-awareness. (Maybe hyper-awareness isn't the word but it sounds good)
I'm at the Fusion office right now. I'm not sure how I ended up here. I guess I'm just trying to fit in with the workers here. I'm typing and pretending to type important things in solidarity with my youth worker brothers and sisters here.
Good Friday Song
I thought this might be an appropriate song for today. Although U2 are always appropriate. I appologise for their language.
"Wake Up Dead Man" - U2
Jesus, Jesus help me
I'm alone in this world
And a f***** up world it is too
Tell me, tell me the story
The one about eternity
And the way it's all gonna be
Wake up, wake up dead man
Wake up, wake up dead man
Jesus, I'm waiting here boss
I know you're looking out for us
But maybe your hands aren't free
Your father, he made the world in seven
He's in charge of Heaven
Will you put a word in for me
Wake up, wake up dead man
Wake up, wake up dead man
Listen to the words, they'll tell you what to do
Listen over the rythm that's confusing you
Listen to the reed in the saxaphone
Listen over the hum of the radio
Listen over sounds of blades in rotation
Listen through the traffic and circulation
Listen as hope and peace try to rhyme
Listen over marching bands playing out their time
Wake up, wake up dead man
Wake up, wake up dead man
Jesus, were you just around the corner
Did you think to try and warn her
Or are you working on something new
Is there an order in all of this disorder
Is it like a tape recorder
Can we rewind it just once more
Wake up, wake up dead man
Wake up, wake up dead man
Wake up, wake up dead man
Serena Williams talking about her sister and herself:
"Growing up, I would have loved to have had such a positive role model to look up to and try to be like and try to emulate. We love having that opportunity to say, 'Look, you can be like us, you can be successful and at the same time have high morals and high self-esteem and be a very nice person at the end of the day'."
If only I could have known them when I was young.
From here.
Today Liam told me that Gavin DeGraw is "White Girl Music". I resent that. It's probably true, but I'd rather not think that I listen to "White Girl Music".
Please no-one point out that I also listen to John Mayer and Norah Jones.
I have a crush
I have a crush on Norah Jones. Oh, so much.
I shouldn't have gone to see her last night, she was great, she's made my heart go all "pitter-patter". She's got a fantastic voice, she's a friendly person, and she's great. Every time someone in the audience shouted something at her like "You rock Norah!" or "I love you Norah!" she'd acknowledge it. And if she didn't understand what they said she'd ask them to repeat it. How cool is that? I smile and nod with an audience of one, she asks for clarification with an audience of 10,000.
And she made such good music, her and her handsome band. It was tops. Yay for Norah.
I think I was one of the few men there who wasn't dragged along by their wife or girlfriend and I think Jem and I were one of the few groups of people under the age of 35. But regardless of our oddness, Norah was cool.
CityRail has an amazing ability to make time stand still. I've been sitting here at Strathfield Station for the past 20 minutes and my train has been leaving in 13 minutes the whole time. It's fantastic!
I meant to get up at 8:30am this morning. I got up at 11:30. I'm not sure if I slept through my alarm or I didn't set it properly last night. Either way, the world hasn't really worked all that bad as a result. I just got more sleep and missed 2 hours of lectures that I wasn't planning on going to anyway. Tops.
I'm home from church in record time (I've been home for about half an hour) because I'm here to write and essay. David has kindly lent me a monitor to use while I get "The Beast" fixed. Now I have a fat essay to write.
Because it might be fun
I know that it's becoming the latest craze. And people might not do my questions because I'm a blatant rip-off (like how no one is watching Starstruck after Idol) but I'll give it a go anyway.
Comment on these if you read my blog (I assume you won't be able to if you don't read my blog)...
Why you read my blog:
How long you've been reading for:
Where you first met me (if you have):
First Television Character you had a crush on (apart from me):
I'm at college at the moment doing research for my essay. It's not exciting, I'm looking forward to going home. I don't know when I'll be finished though. I got distracted by a book of feminist essays about Genesis. It wasn't as interesting as I hoped it would be.
Between Now and April 3rd...
I have a little to do. I'm wondering how I maganged for this to happen, but I have somehow managed to find myself with lots to do. Between now and April 3rd I have to:
Write a talk for an ISCF group
Give a talk at an ISCF group
Write an Easter talk for a primary school
Give an Easter talk four times in 3 different primary schools
Write a 2,250 word essay and hand it in
Peform in a Puppet Play 3 times
Film a conert in Nowra
Run a small group
Run a messy night for the youth group
Write 3 scenes for the new Breakthru' Project
Find out about campsites to film at
Go to an Audition for Breakthru' Artz
Write a sermon on the Resurrection
Give a sermon on the Resurrection
Adapt a sermon on Community
Give a sermon on Community
Go to a wedding
Watch Norah Jones in Concert
Go to a Buck's Night
Go to a Wedding
Have 2 days off
I think that could be it. I'm not really all that worried about it, although I probably should be.
It's a little like that at the moment. Nothing terrible but just an overwhelming urge to spend most of my life lying on the floor. A carpeted floor though, because without carpet it's not very comfortable. But a floor is where I would like to spend a few hours, maybe a day or two.
I had a really good scripture lesson today. I only had 9 kids and we spent most of the time sitting in a circle and talking about why Jesus died and rose again. It was great. It was the kind of lesson I'd love to have every week. But alas, I'm not that talented.
I'm going to the Tavern tonight to eat steak and drink beer. This is the Young Adults Male Small Group. Yeah, that's what Bible Studies should be like every week. Of course we won't study much Bible, but steak is fun.
This story about the Guy in Atlanta who killed a few people in a court house, then held a woman hostage in her appartment for a few hours is really interesting. It may be the first time The Purpose Driven Life has been read in a hostage situation.
This story is so good I'm sure it'll get made into cheesy tele-movie for the Hallmark Channel (Hey, since when did a card manufacturer get the qualifications to make televison?)
Anyway, I liked the story. I wonder if this woman will become a Christian celebrity. She sounds pretty cool.
I arrived at college today to do my work in the library. As soon as I got there I pulled out my phone to message someone and say "I'm bored" when I realised that it was silly telling someone that I was bored before I had even done anything that was able to be deemed boring. With this revelation in mind I went to the computers and checked my emails.
There's no one home yet. Everyone is still out. Maybe my family has moved back home without telling me.
Oh well. I'm watching a silly baseball movie. Then I'll go to bed.
I was thinking about my blog this morning as I brushed my teeth. I can't remember what. I do remember that it had something to do with the fact that I have people who read my blog from different parts of the world. US and Canada mainly. And then I thought I should say "Hi" to my non-Australian readers.
"Hello people who aren't Australian! What's your national dish?"
"Hello North Americans! How's the northern hemisphere?"
That was a "Hi" and a question. I love Americans (Canadians too, but I think they're a little more like Australians, so I'm not so interested). I'm interested in yellow school buses, presidents and thinking Abraham Lincon is wonderful (not that he isn't). I'm interested in Southern Baptists, news programs that make every news event an "Event!" and being in the centre of a cultural empire. I'm interested in high gun ownership, fat people (is everyone there actually fat?) and Hollywood. I think I want to live in America one day. I want to live in the centre of the world. And I reckon people'd dig my accent.
And then I thought, just to be culturally exclusive I could make a reference to something Australian that people from overseas wouldn't understand. I could feel elitist and that would be fun and give me a sense of identity.
Big Kev
That was a little of an anti-climax. Perhaps I should try again...
Tony Abbott and his magical son
That's a little better. Maybe one more try...
Hmmm. I could be onto a winner with that one.
I think I've had enough now. And since I've wasted so much time pissing about on my blog, I think I've run out of time to go find a friend. I have to get up early in the morning I'm going white water rafting out at Penrith.
I might go hire a DVD.
Today's theological discussion questions for the office were:
1. Since we all deserve judgment, should a lack of suffering be viewed as an example of God's mercy rather than considering the suffering of innocent people an example of God's unjustified judgment?*
2. Is the whole of the Old Testament an outworking of Genesis 3:15?
Theology discussions in the Church Centre are getting better because people don't seem to agree with each other as readily these days. There's usually a consensus in the end though.
*It was something like that.
I've just arrived home and there's no one here. I'm trying to decide if I should go out and find a friend. My mother isn't here to tell me I don't have any friends so I might be ok.
In other news I've been thinking about vulnerability lately. I don't like it. It makes you feel like an idiot. It's probably useful though.
I've been listening to my new Gavin DeGraw cds (2 of them) today. Yeah, fun. I love the two play day.
Rob Thomas has gone Boy-Pop
I just listened to Rob Thomas' new single Lonely No More for the first time. His first solo once since Matchbox 20 and it's Boy-Pop. He's following in the footsteps of Justin, Ricky and all your favourite Nova and 2-Day boys.
I don't like the new music, I don't like the new haircut, I want the rock. The problem is, the music's in my head. I may have to buy the album. But I don't want to.
He is Rob Thomas though, so he deserves respect, even if he has gone soft.
"Henry was alone in the house one morning before work late in November. It was raining outside. Even though he had four rooms-virtually a wing of his own-he liked to have the entire house to himself. He could scream if he wanted to and no one would be appalled; he could shout, intrude, explore, laugh or cry and no one would know. Usually he just made himself a cup of coffee and wondered where the others were."
Sean Condon - Film
I'm waiting for the mail to come because I think there will be a CD or 2 inside a box inside the box. I'm quite excited.
I taught a really dodgy scripture lesson today. The kids are already misbehaving for me and I'm on week two. I need to grow an iron fist. Or a better puppy dog face to make them feel bad.
I had to teach them to sing a song today and they all laughed at me because I didn't know the words. Oh the embarrassment of being laughed at by a bunch of 11 year-olds.
Last night I watched Hitch. That was fun. I like romantic comedies. And I was pleased that this time it was the chick who stuffed up more. I may be wrong, but in romantic comedies I get the feeling that, when it comes time for one of them to do the wrong thing and supposedly end the relationship it's more often the guy. And then he has to say "No, I didn't mean that, I love you!" and they kiss. This time it was the girl who stuffed up. And then the guy. But the girl first. I'm all about equality and I reckon chicks should stuff up relationships just as much as guys.
In the film one of the women, when trying to find out about a man said she'd "Google him". If anyone tries to Google me, they'll get heaps of stuff. Mostly just me talking about me and a few stupid photos, but what more could you want, eh?
When I'm big and famous (as in fat and notorious) there'll be whole fan sites dedicated to me. Like "The Unofficial Tom French Page of Love" and stuff like that.
Right now I'm at work. I've finished my work for the day and I'm procrastinating doing my Greek so I'm blogging.
I've decided that if I want more friends at my college I should become a lecturer there. Or perhaps write a book. At the moment I'm kind of a nobody. I did find out when my assessment is due. That's both a relief and a stress. It was one of those cases where ignorance wasn't bliss, but neither is knowing.
Kinda like when you get a pain in your head and it turns out to be a cancer.
I wonder how much damage mobile phones are doing to our brains. Nobody talks about that anymore. Did they stop microwaving our minds or did we just get bored of hearing about it.
It's very difficult to find anything on the internet about "Islands where people change gender" I've discovered that today.
At my college there is an "Internet Cafe" that has two computers, hundreds of pigeon holes and some assignment drop boxes. I think that it could more aptly be called a "Pigeon Hole Cafe" because an Internet Cafe with only two computers is pretty lame.
Holy Grail
And I've followed orders
God knows where I've been
But I woke up alone
All my wounds were clean
I'm still here
I'm still a fool for the holy grail - Hunters and Collectors
Bono the Banker
Bono has been suggested as a potential candiate as the Head of the World Bank. That'd be cool.
I read it here.
I just arrived home to pick up some stuff before I go to Janet's for the next week or two. My whole downstairs is bare. There is nothing there for the renovations. I feel like we're moving house. My childhood is leaving me. How sad.
I'll be back soon though, with a new and improved house. And my bedroom is staying the same.
Ryan once asked me if I would want to go out with a girl who wanted to go out with me. If you like a person that's good, but if they like you back, then there must be something wrong with them because you know what you're like. It's a really sad way of looking at things, but it's interesting. I've been thinking a little about it lately because I got the Icehouse song stuck in my head, and I realised it fitted with what Ryan was talking about. I don't think Ryan really believed what he was saying too much. Or I hope not, if I was a girl I'd go out with Ryan. Or at least, I'd certainly put him high on my list of good people to go out with.
I think I told Ryan that I'd go out with the girl and let her figure out for herself that I wasn't worth going out with.
"Well, you've gotta be crazy, baby
to want a guy like me
Yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind
Crazy" - Icehouse
Of course being the most beautiful man in the world this is all purely hypothetical...
It's a Saturday night and I've spent it at home. I told Mum I might go out tonight to see a movie or something. She kept saying "With who? I don't think you'll find many people." I think she thinks I don't have any friends. In the end I asked one person if they wanted to see a movie with me, they said "No" so I gave up and decided that my mum was probably right. I watched a dvd with Dad. At least if I have no friends I still have my Dad.
I tried to take my small group to mini-golf last night but it rained. I think that's the 3rd time we've tried going to mini-golf and it has rained. Grr. I'm never going to play putt putt again.
We ended up watching a dvd and getting pizza. Oh well. Not very interesting but what can you do at the last minute?
I came home tonight and found that my big, fat, expensive, 19 inch monitor has decided to go fuzzy. I'm wondering if it overheated (I left it on today, and the screensaver didn't kick in) or if it just decided to go to the dogs. I'm hoping it fixes itself because I don't really want to buy another monitor. But, well, it's only money.
I have been a really bad college attender this week. I have only been to 1 out of 3 classes this week. I wagged Greek to watch the Academy Awards and tonight I only turned up to hand my assignment in because I felt like I could better spend my time recovering from my cold for Scripture Seminars tomorrow. I might try and get to sleep reasonably early tonight. I hope I'll be able to sleep.
Today I went to Mitch's house and ate 4 burritos. I also made lots of phone calls and drove all over Sydney.
Photo Experiment
I have named the below photo nude woman.jpg to see if I get lots of hits from people looking for nude women. That'd be funny.
Then again, I might make people angry. They'll be like "Hey, where's my nude woman!?! Stupid Christians!"
If you have Net Nanny you won't be able to see this picture. Cool.
Some days I have this desire to blog something profound. Or blog some feelings, get stuff off my chest. But most of the time I don't. I think because I realise there are some things best left off blogs.
Right now I don't have any money. I think my Mum owes me $8.70. As well as $2,190. But I owe them $600 or something. So it all evens out. I should get paid sometime soon. That's always an exciting and depressing day. I wonder if I have a phone bill that I haven't paid yet.
I got a new toothbrush today. It has a tongue cleaner on it. Weird.
I might be preaching a three week series in church this year. I have been thinking about making a series of 3 short videos to go with it. That'd be fun.
I've also been thinking about The Donny Jaffa Show for this year. I really should get moving on that. Too much to do. But it's all fun.

Blogs I like to read:
My Shared Items
Blog Archive
- My thumb where the wasp bit me has swollen now. I ...
- I got stung by a wasp. Ooo. I was wondering what t...
- I watched Be Cool today with David. It wasn't very...
- I'm a RockerI've always wanted a mullet.
- Right now I'm listening to a sermon by John Stott....
- Sometimes the world doesn't change enough to keep ...
- I'm at the Fusion office right now. I'm not sure h...
- Good Friday SongI thought this might be an appropr...
- Serena Williams talking about her sister and herse...
- Sometimes I laugh at my own jokes.
- Today Liam told me that Gavin DeGraw is "White Gir...
- I have a crushI have a crush on Norah Jones. Oh, s...
- untitled
- I meant to get up at 8:30am this morning. I got up...
- Essay finished. I'm off to bed.
- I'm home from church in record time (I've been hom...
- Because it might be funI know that it's becoming t...
- I'm at college at the moment doing research for my...
- Between Now and April 3rd...I have a little to do....
- BlerIt's a little like that at the moment. Nothing...
- This story about the Guy in Atlanta who killed a f...
- I arrived at college today to do my work in the li...
- I get to sleep in tomorrow.That'll suit me just fine.
- There's no one home yet. Everyone is still out. Ma...
- I was thinking about my blog this morning as I bru...
- Today's theological discussion questions for the o...
- I've just arrived home and there's no one here. I'...
- Rob Thomas has gone Boy-PopI just listened to Rob ...
- "Henry was alone in the house one morning before w...
- I'm waiting for the mail to come because I think t...
- I taught a really dodgy scripture lesson today. Th...
- It's very difficult to find anything on the intern...
- At my college there is an "Internet Cafe" that has...
- Holy GrailAnd I've followed ordersGod knows where ...
- Bono the BankerBono has been suggested as a potent...
- I just arrived home to pick up some stuff before I...
- Crazy Ryan once asked me if I would want to go out...
- It's a Saturday night and I've spent it at home. I...
- I tried to take my small group to mini-golf last n...
- I came home tonight and found that my big, fat, ex...
- Photo ExperimentI have named the below photo nude ...
- Previously Unreleased Photo of Howie and Tom
- ProfounditySome days I have this desire to blog so...