Tuesday, 14 June 2005

While people make this world rather crappy, they also make it wonderful. I do enjoy people.

I also enjoy living on my own. I had my first conversation with a man in the lift today. My first comversation at these appartments with anyone who isn't a Concierge. I hopped in the lift and it went like this:

Man: Hi
Me: G'day
Man: How are you?
Me: Good. How are you?
Man: A bit tired actually. (Honesty, I like it.)
Me: Yeah it's late. You've got your shopping there. (He's holding two bags of shopping but in conversation with strangers it's good to state the obvious to establish that you aren't stupid)
Man: Yeah I didn't want to starve.
Me: Good idea
Lift: *Ding*
Me: Well, have a good one.
Man: Bye

Now I feel like I have a friend on the fifth floor.

Jo and I had breakfast today from 12pm-2:45pm, it was good. Yay for Jo.

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