Monday, 4 April 2005

Popes and stuff

I've been watching the stuff on the Pope recently and it's really interesting. I think as the Pope got older I liked him more and more. He seemed like quite a real guy. Being a good Protestant I probably shouldn't have been so fond of him but I was. It's sad watching the news, but I'm not overly distraught. I think it was good that he died because he was really sick. And he got to go be with God. I think Roman Catholics go to heaven. It was hard seeing him so sick and having to continually go to hospital. I felt especially sorry for him when he was making his Easter address. "Amen" was a last good word. I hope that wasn't just propaganda. I would like my last word to be something like that.

Now they have to pick a new Pope. That will be interesting. What a job. Being the most influential religious leader in the world would be a scary job. You'd probably feel a little in adequate.

In other news I've been writing scripts for "Wisdom with Tabitha" at Soul Survivor today. It's really hard to work out what isn't too offensive to put in a script. It's fun, but I hope I don't offend people. There's a chance. I hope I offend them over something worth while. When it's Donny Jaffa though, it will probably be because of something silly.

Tomorrow we're filming "Tabitha"

I bought tickets to go see Anthony Mundine fight today for the WBA World Super Middle Weight World Title. How fun. I've only ever watched one whole boxing match in my life, but I'm off to see a World Title fight. Tops!

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