Tuesday, 1 March 2005


Some days I have this desire to blog something profound. Or blog some feelings, get stuff off my chest. But most of the time I don't. I think because I realise there are some things best left off blogs.

Right now I don't have any money. I think my Mum owes me $8.70. As well as $2,190. But I owe them $600 or something. So it all evens out. I should get paid sometime soon. That's always an exciting and depressing day. I wonder if I have a phone bill that I haven't paid yet.

I got a new toothbrush today. It has a tongue cleaner on it. Weird.

I might be preaching a three week series in church this year. I have been thinking about making a series of 3 short videos to go with it. That'd be fun.

I've also been thinking about The Donny Jaffa Show for this year. I really should get moving on that. Too much to do. But it's all fun.

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