Posted by Unknown |

Days off are really good. I should have more of them. Oh yes.

I went to visit Grandpa and Valentina today. Valentina filled me up with Russian cuisine. I liked it. I felt quite full when I left the unit. Grandpa showed his new video camera off to me. I thought I was going over to help him pick a camera to buy, but he had already bought it. Lucky though, he had bought the one that I was going to tell him to buy. I've trained him well.

I took Rach on a driving lesson. That was fun. We spent two hours parking, and doing three point turns and driving around the same few back streets near her house. I now know that area quite well I think. I got to sign the log book and feel official.

I went removalisting with Chris, his brother and mother. We got a couch from his Grandparent's house then drove it in the van to his house. A man with a van is a popular man. I like using my van to drive big things around. It makes me feel useful.

Tonight Annie and her Dad came over for dinner. Hannah got sick and had to come home from respite so I made the salad and desert. Plus I got to sit with Hannah while she lay in bed. She's a cute girl my little sister.

Now I'm aiming for bed so I can get lots of sleep before college tomorrow. Good plan Stan.
