Sunday, 4 July 2004

So the Weekend that was...

Yesterday I had a meeting with Matt and Sal about film projects and the making of them. It was encouraging that we left feeling good. Or I did. There was hope at the end of the meeting. I was worried it may not end up so good.

Then I spent the rest of the day writing my sermon. I went to work to do it. I sat in the park for a bit, under the tree, and prayed. Then it was writing time. I walked around the church centre preaching to no one, then spent a few hours on the computer typing my 17 pages of sermon. 17 seems so big. It was size twelve double spaced though.

At night of was off to Bar Reggio for David's ciao shindig. They had Coke in old fashioned bottles. It was great. I didn't have any Coke, but I was sorely tempted. I had lots of Sprite. They were in old bottle also, but weren't as appealing.

We stopped at the gleato place on the way home and Lesley lent me some money so I could have some. It did taste good.

I finished sermon writing when I got home.

Today I went for a run. I was up too early. It was dark when I left the house. Grr.

Church was good. Bill the locum preached good. He had good skills.

Then it was off to the Airport.

Saying bye to David was wierd. I don't really expect David to go away, he's always been around. Everyone else leaves, but not David. Well he has now. Good for him. God bless, David.

We went back to church and I polished the sermon.

At night I preached. It was interesting. I got good feed back but I felt like it had been badly constructed. I made a few bad choices about how to place things. But it was alright. You can't win them all. And I preached Jesus, so that was good. I think it's important to talk about Jesus.

Maccas happened as usual. Nothing to report.

I came home and started to organise my week. I'm filling it up with things to do which aren't work. Should be fun.

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