Thursday 17 June 2004

I think now I may have a little space to fill the gaps.


Yay for Saturday.

I woke up. Jem had a birthday breakfast in Manly which I thought would be nice to go to. But it occurred to me that going would be a bad idea.

I went to church to set up for the term celebration. I wasn't much help. I was feeling mostly Zombie like. Tim and Pete were doing special things with lights and lasers. They always do special things.

I was sent on an expedition during set up to Bunnings to get gaffa tape. In my half-waking state Bunnings was a dream. A beautiful dream. Isles and isles of hardware. Things I'd love to buy just because they looked cool. Like how much fun are isles of switches, or taps, or pipe fittings, or safety gear, or coils of chain and hose. Fun, fun, fun. Bunnings was great. It took me about half an hour to find the gaffa tape, because the place was huge. But I wasn't too upset. Happy is the man who can spend hours in a hardware store.

I doubt I would be able to do anything productive with any of the stuff there. If I was any less handy, I would have been born without hands. But still, it's about the stuff not its usefulness.

Anyway way, back at church I got to tape some cables to the floor, and that's always fun. Makes me feel technical and safety conscious.

I came home and edited a video for church the next day. That took up all the time before I had to go back.

We had a meeting with all the leaders, dancers and musicians. I enjoyed that. We prayed and prayer is good, prayer is powerful and effective, prayer is posh.

The night went good. There was a really fun vibe. Helen and her team danced good. I told a silly story about me hiding from my surprise party. I did it because I stood at the back of the room remembering my youth ministry lecturer saying that it was often good to tell a story to open a meeting. So I did. Just because I don't do much my lecturer told me to do, so I felt perhaps once I should do as he said. It was a silly story with silly God connection, but really, a story is worthwhile in itself.

It was really good to have a night where there was lots of energy, where God was worshipped, God was taught, and God was met. That's what it's all about really. All our silly games, our lengthy meetings, our long hours and late nights, that's what it's for. And well, I'm quite happy to be serving Jesus.

We packed up. Helen and I debriefed, then I drove home listening to something or other but I can't remember what.

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