Tuesday 30 March 2004

Counting Crows Distortion

Robert messaged me today and told me that the Counting Crows concert on Saturday had been canceled. Most disappointed I was. But I went and checked out the website to see what the Crows had to say. Adam's grandmother died and he's going home, to Baltimore, to be with his Mum. I'm happy to miss the concert so Adam can be with his mum.

He wrote:

I know a lot of you made plans to be here in Australia and I realize this is going to be a pretty disappointing bit of news, but I feel like I've let my life be governed by the rules of the road over all else for the past ten years. Just this once, I'm going to be where I'm supposed to be. My mom has always been there for me. This time I'm going to make sure I'm there for her as well.

That's really nice. Once I read that I felt pretty alright about missing the concert. Sad, but alright. I had to go to work, so I went and got Counting Crows Across a Wire: Live in New York City off the shelf and put it on in the car. I turned it up and sang as loud as I could in memory of the the Crows and my lost Saturday night. The car was distorting the music, but it felt great. I had a wonderful time.

I drove home doing the same thing. I hadn't finished the cd so I sat at the top of the driveway and finished listening to it. My voice hurts, but it was a really nice thing to do.

I hope all the family are well.

This circus is falling down on its knees
The big top is crumbling down
It's raining in Baltimore fifty miles east
Where you should be, no one's around
- Counting Crows

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