Friday 23 January 2004

Yesterday was a fat day. I worked 14 and half hours. That's over half my working week in one day. Massive.

And most of it was spent meeting. I was pretty buggered. Getting home from camp I wanted to go to bed early on Wednesday night but that didn't happen.

But there isn't too much to comment on yesterday. We had a staff day. Kaye and Jamie joined us as stuff for the first time and it was exciting to have them on team. Good to have them join the fun. If you can call it that.

Last night I went to Helen's house for our leader's meeting for this year.

That was a good meeting. Perhaps not world class in content. But it was good to get started. I've felt so eager to start youth ministry. The problems that have come up, I've been hanging out to actually stop talking and writing and start doing. Yesterday was the first of the doing. At least for me it was.

We had a session of singing, musical worship, at the end and it thundered and lighteninged. I thought of God refreshing the land and breaking the drought after Elijah's fight with the prophet's of Baal on Mt Carmel. Elijah's on the brain at the moment. I thought of Elijah hitching up is coat, tucking it into his belt, and running in front of King Ahab, through the rain, and for that short moment, all was right in Israel. And it was nice to think of God of the rain and God of the thunder. God of grace and judgment, destruction and rejuvenation.

I drove home and appreciated the silent lightening far off in the clouds, and my travels through the mist.

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