Monday 26 January 2004

Birthday for Jo

We went to Bronte today for my sister's birthday. It was very nice. The sun shone like a big, giant star, just near our planet. It shone well, injuring my neck in the process.

I took Hannah for a swim in the pool. That was nice. I haven't really swum with Hannah before, but she was having a wonderful time. She liked to attach herself to other people in the pool. Her favourites were skinny Japanese men, who would get a big grin on their face and laugh "hoo hoo hoo". They didn't seem to mind.

We played frisbee, soccer ball kicking and hand ball. And went for another swim, at the beach this time. Anna told us all the story of how her and Sub got engaged. Very romantic, ahhh.

On the way home I slept and Julian told Dad about diesel cars and HAM radio.

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