Monday, 9 December 2002

My Weekend

Well, hmm. I'm not sure I have much to say. Saturday morning involved driving up to Lake Mac with Sally from Beach Mission. We got to see fire on the F3 which was cool. I have been hanging out to see fire, and I got to see some. It's a shame it burns down houses and stuff.

We got horribly lost trying to find the turn off to the camp site. We were told to take the 23rd turn on the right, but we didn't bother to count just looked for sign posts. We missed our turn off. When we got to a place called Booloroo, or something like that, we figured we should find out if we were in the wrong place. Turned out we over shot the mark by about 15km. But we got there in the end.

The weekend was good we got a lot done but we had no free time, which was hard because I was hanging for a sleep (I had a terrible sleep the night before). I'm not doing a huge amount at mission this year which is nice. I do too much else where. But it should be fun to be on team.

For church Becky, Jo-Jo and I went to a chruch in Belrose. We got there early so we visited the grave yard near by, strange places them. Interesting though.

The chruch was cool. The sermon was nicely Bible based and then they did a lot of "waiting on the Spirit" stuff. I had a good time. Very different from St Pete's. They played music well too.

I had wedges for dinner.

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